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Cookies Policy

Dear Visitor, to ensure you have an excellent experience while visiting our website, we’ve installed small data files called “cookies.” We’ve chosen to use only essential cookies. Below, you’ll find their description, why they’re used, and how to modify your preferences.

What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that your browser saves on your computer’s hard drive while you visit a website. Whenever you visit our site, your browser sends us these cookies to personalize your experience, remembering your interests and preferences, or simply making it easier for you to access and use our services.

What cookies do we use?
The cookies we use allow us to recognize each recurring visitor and their most relevant information to avoid them having to re-enter the same data more than once. Additionally, these cookies enable us to understand the traffic pattern of visitors and, thus, improve the usability of the site. Below is the type of cookie we use on our site.

Essential cookies:
We only use essential cookies that enable you to receive the requested services on our site. Without these cookies, the services you apply for couldn’t be provided. For example, these cookies may be used to:

– Allow you to securely access certain areas of our site without having to log in every time.

Remember previous actions and paths (such as filling out an online form) when you go back a page within the same session.

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